Wednesday 28 April 2021

Writing a review

 In my review, I'm going to compare three console games: Fifa, Fortnite and Call of Duty. Fifa is a soccer game, it has all teams of the world and it has also game modes on of this modes is mode career that consists your make a team and signing players for winning. Fortnite is a batlle royale where there are 100 players and you need take weapons for win. Call of Duty is quite similar to Fortnite, this game has more games modes and can be played with friends.

In my opinion Fifa is very funny when you play with friends and family. Fortnite, for me, is the best game and very fun and this game is the most played in the world, and Call of Duty is so good but I prefer other similars games.

In conclusion Fortnite is better than Fifa, for Fortnite I'm giving five stars, for Fifa I giving four stars and for Call od Duty three stars.

Sunday 14 March 2021


 Dear Mr. Alex

The invitation is for Mr. Alex because he is a very good person. The party of wedding anniversary is on 24th of June.

The event is at 16.00 p.m. in the Center Park of New York, there will going to my family and others friends, due to I will be at night we take a fun fires, it's beautiful.

I think you enjoy the event because there will be family and some friends, but my father arrived later to party of wedding anniversary. But the party are a beautiful and funny. Enjoooy!!!!

Best wishes,
Francesc Bandurak

Tuesday 16 February 2021

An environmental problem

 The problem is the water pollution, the cause it that people put rubbish products down the sink and people put toxic products down the sink too. If we don't do something about it the water of planet in the futur will be polluted.

A way to help reduce the problem, is to use rubbish bins, and also we use eco-friendly cleaning products at home.It will help because we don't put toxic products and rubbish as well.

We don't put skins of fruts into river.

Thursday 21 January 2021

My proposals for the New Year

-I will study more.

-I won't sleep more than 10 hours.

-I will always do sports.

-I will more eat fruts.

-I will travel a New York.

Thursday 3 December 2020


 Many thanks my friend, I thanks you for because you invited me at your house. For me, this detail is very important, because I had a good time wathing a film.

The film was amazing, the film name's is Project Power, it is extranely incredible, and we does eated pop corn and coca cola. I enjoyed and stisfer, I learn what the family is the best and the important in the world.

The my first impression on Jonny's family is very interesting, but I happy, The next week I'm inviting, you to my house.

Your friend Francesc.

Monday 26 October 2020

My last birthday

On my birthday I went to the portaventura, I went with my friends and the family. My birthday is on 25th of Agoust. I went to portaventura because is an amazing place.

There rode on the atraccions with friends, on later at 14.00 A.M. we ate. On the this day I felt what is a incredible and amazing day.

The event finished at 0.00 P.M. and the event finishes with a show. I enjoyed, because is was beatiful.

Sunday 27 September 2020

Monday 18 May 2020


When I get up, I make my bed, then I clean my face and teeth. Then I'm going to have lunch.
After eating I go to the living room to wach Netflix. Then at 14.00 I go to eat, after eating I
start to do my homework. Then I go for a snack and I go up to the terrace with my brother to
play football, that we do it every day. I also start talking to friends on the phone and play
the console, to finish at 9.00 p.m. I'm going to diner, and then I watch Netflix in my room until
0.00 a.m.

In my opinion I think that this routine is fine, because it is balanced and because you do sport,
homework, play with the brother and much more...

During the lockdown you can play sport, play console, watch netflix, sunbathe, do homework,
talk to friends on you phone. You can't go outside, and if you go out you should not touch anything.

At home you should clean your hands and when you go out on the street you should wear a
mask and gloves and not hurt anyone.

At the moment I'm at my desk doing my homework, and drinking a cup of squeezed fruit. I'm
also listening to spotify, at the moment I'm not playing with my brother or playing games. I'm
not on call with my friends.

The weather outside today is very good,it is a very sunny day and it is very hot, there are no
clouds or wind either, it has Castelló de Frafanya 23 degrees. Today is a good to day to go
out on the street.

Thursday 23 April 2020



-Who is the artist? What do you know about the artist?
He is a treet artist. He is English and he is also anonymous.

-Describe the work of art?
Activty which man recreates, with an aesthetic purpose, an aspect of reality or a feeling in beatiful forms using matter, image or sound.

-What can you se? Use the patterns:
A boy wearing a cap, camera, microphone, headphones and the boy picks up a flower and takes a photo.

-What colours and materials does the artist use?
Banksy uses black, white, brown, yellow, pink and green.

-What is/are the character/s doing? Use sentences in the present continuous.
He is taking a picture of a flower.

-Do you like the picture? Why? Why not? Use adjectives?
Yes, because the picture has relationship with nature.

-Complete the following sentence:
This graffiti call be named Banksy photographer.

Banksy | Ocio De Mente